Makueni Project
The Makueni Project is based on the construction of a complex that will house 120 children under the concept of a Family Village. This consists, on the one hand, in providing a solution to the major problems faced by a significant percentage of children in Kenya (orphanhood, homelessness, chronic and venereal diseases, etc.).
The objective is to provide them with a place of welcome, disease control and education, through the construction of housing modules (homes), a school and a polyclinic. In addition, they will receive comprehensive training, based on a Christian life and with values such as love, solidarity, compassion, integrity, among others, under the care and responsibility of tutors.

#1 - DEC 2021
#4 - MAR 2022
#7 - JUN 2022
#2 - JAN 2022
#5 - ABR 2022
#8 - JUL 2022
#3 - FEB 2022
#6 - MAY 2022
#9 - Clausura del Proyecto
On the other hand, a space for interaction between the village and the community will be created, with the aim of encouraging, through sports and entrepreneurship workshops, the development of the capacities of individuals and the social capital of the area as a way of overcoming of poverty.
The project will be located on 3.2 hectares acquired by Patagonia Compassion in Kathonwzeni (Makueni) and will be divided as follows: 2.2 hectares will be used exclusively for the construction of the Family Village made up of ten housing modules, a school, a polyclinic, an entrepreneurship workshop, an administration, a chapel and two sports areas. The remaining hectare will be used for the sustainable agricultural development of the village and community of Kathonzweni.